With so much negativity going on in the world, why not spread love. These easy random acts of kindness are perfect to try today!

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Hi friends! I can’t believe we are heading into July already…how fast was that?! I figured that with this pandemic perhaps things would slow down…but life is still flying by. Speaking of the pandemic and weird things going on in the world right now, let’s get started with today’s post!
15 Random Acts of Kindness to Try Today
There is so much negativity going on in today’s world, that it’s time we take it upon ourselves to spread a little love every single day. It’s not hard, it just takes a bit of effort to do so. So let’s take a look at these easy random acts of kindness to try today and everyday.
Text Someone // A friend or loved that and let them know how much they mean to you or how proud of them you are. You never know what someone is going through, and your text may just make their week!
Give a Good Tip // Have a waiter that went that extra mile? Perhaps your stylist is having a bad day? Whatever the case may be, if you are in the position to give a bigger than normal tip, go for it!
Donate Old Towels/Blankets To a Shelter // Have some old towels/blankets just sitting around. Donate them to your local animal shelter. Those fur babies could use the extra warmth.
Volunteer at a Shelter // Speaking of animals, donate some of your time to those four-legged babies and play with them. Give them baths or just cuddle them. You can do this for any shelter!
Pay for Someone’s Coffee // In line for your usual pick-me-up? Pay for the person behind you…hopefully you will make their day, but maybe they’ll keep it up and pay for the person behind them!
Send a Gift Card // Have a friend that’s going thru a tough time? Send them a gift card for anything, help lift their spirits with a sweet treat or meal!
Bake Your Neighbors a Treat // Have enough for an extra batch of banana bread? Take some to your neighbors, nobody can resist homemade banana bread!

Give a Stranger a Compliment // See someone with super cute shoes? Tell them! That little extra can really go a long way with someone.
Give Your Coworkers a Nice Note // This is especially perfect if a coworker has been having a rough week.
Give Your Mailman a Snack // UPS, FedEx and USPS personnel work SO hard and leaving them a little snack can not only make their day, but it could also help them get through it. Perhaps they don’t have time to stop and grab something to eat…
Hand Out Water to the Homeless // The homeless need SO much, if you have anything extra, make them little packs. If you can’t, a bottled water will do.
Take a Treat to Work // Baking some brownies? Make an extra batch to take to work. Your coworkers will love you!
Help Someone With Their Groceries // See an elderly person struggling with a couple of bags…or a mom with rowdy kiddos, give them a hand.
Return Someone’s Grocery Cart to The Store // Since we are on the topic of groceries…return their cart while you’re at it.
Be Kind to Yourself // Most importantly, be kind to yourself. We are our own worst enemy and we can be SO hard on ourselves. Cut out negative self-talk and remind yourself that you’re amazing!
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With so much negativity going on in the world, why not spread love. These easy random acts of kindness are perfect to try today! Click To Tweet
Have you found yourself taking that extra step lately? It’s so important to be kind to others…and to teach the younger generation to do the same thing.
How do you like to spread kindness?
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