Happy 2016 loves! I can’t believe we have started a new year so quickly! I wish you all the best year ever!
As always, I’m sharing my top 5 most reached for products during the month of December!
I currently have a schedule set up where I will be posting 2 videos a week, every Sunday and Wednesday. And I will be posting 2 blog posts a week, every Tuesday and Thursday. So there will be new content every week, hopefully!
I will be trying my best to keep up with this routine. So far I have almost all of January planned out, pictures taken and all! I hope to be starting new series, continuing on with old series, and hopefully collaborating with some of you guys as well.
Give me ideas my friends! I’m all ears!
Thank you all for your support, love and encouragement in 2015! I hope to grow more in 2016, with y’all’s help and take you along with me.
Much love to you all!
Until next time beauties!
Let’s chat! Find me on other social media sites!
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