Happy Friday, sweet friends! It’s been awhile since I shared a few Friday Favorites, so that’s what I’ll be doing today! There’s a bit of fashion, entertainment and a yummy drink!
I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing weekend! Anyone have any fun plans?
Favorite Drink | Super basic here…but I’m IN LOVE with the famous #PinkDrink from Starbucks! The Shaken Berry Sangria Herbal Tea is really good too and I can’t wait to try the Iced Coconut Milk Mocha Macchiato, it just sounds SO good!
Favorite App | Speaking of Starbucks…how awesome is it that you can now order and pay from the app while you’re on-the-go. It finds a Starbucks near you, you place your order, pay and just go in and pick up your drinks! Or you can use the drive-thru if there aren’t many cars, and it even saves your previous orders so if you’re in a hurry you can re-order the same thing. I love this feature (and have used it one to many times!)
Favorite Purchase | I finally found a pair of white distressed jeans that I like and that fit good! I normally don’t shop at JCP but my grandmother was in town visiting and had to go return a few things at the mall, so I took her and one of the places she wanted to go to was JcPenney. As she was trying on a few things I randomly came across these ankle pants and gave them a try…surprisingly, I loved them AND they were on sale and I found a coupon on the Retail Me Not app! #win
Favorite Movie | We like to have movie night every once in awhile during the week, so we went to Redbox and rented How To Be Single…you guys, it’s HILARIOUS and I totally recommend it, my husband loved it too.
Favorite Nail Product | I usually go for any brand nail polish remover, or whatever is on sale, so I had never tried the Cutex Advanced Revival Nail Polish Remover Pads. I recieved these in an Influenster box a while back and recently tried them out. You only need one pad, they are a decent size and they don’t smell like usual nail polish remover, which is what I love about them. It’s not something I’d use all the time, but these would be great to throw a few in your purse and travel bag for sure.
ICYMI I started a new mini-series for makeup for beginners. In this video, I show you how to create a simple eyeshadow look step-by-step.
PS – You still have a few days to enter for a chance to win the same whitening system I use to whiten my teeth, click here to see my results and enter!
Let’s Be Friends! Find me on other social media sites!
Snapchat: lilyg07
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I’m linking up with Lauren from Style Elixir, Amanda from Meet @ The Barre, and Erika from A Little Bit of Everything.
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