I had NO idea there was such a thing as online dermatologists? Did you guys know, have I been living under a rock? Well in case you don’t know…I was recently contacted by YoDerm, a place online where you can have a consultation with a dermatologist!
I don’t know about you guys, but if I can have one less doctor’s appointment to have to actually go to, I’m all for it. Since we deal with infertility, we see TONS of doctors and having to worry about going to another doctor just isn’t very practical for me at the moment.
The consultation at YoDerm is very simple, you fill out a few forms with general information along with skin concerns and you can even upload pictures of your face showing the areas of concern. Then a certified dermatologist reviews your information and contacts you within 24 hours. My dermatologist was Dr. Beckham, or Dr. B as he likes to be called.
He reviewed my info and withing LESS than 24 hours I had an email from him with a treatment plan for my skin, and he had already faxed the information to my pharmacy! You guys…they are FAST!
I had a few questions for Dr. B about my treatment plan and his response was very quick. I ended up not going with his treatment plan because we have decided to possibly pay our infertility doctor a visit soon, and Dr. B said it would be best if I didn’t take the medication he prescribed. I loved his honesty and he did direct me to some over the counter products I could try.
Although, I didn’t end up going with Dr. B’s plan, I was very happy with the overall service. Everything is very professional, quick, and the customer service is also amazing.
If you are looking to pay a dermatologist a visit soon about some skin concerns and you are open to trying out an online service, YoDerm is definitely a place I would recommend.
What are some of your skin concerns? And what are you doing to help treat them?
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