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You might recall me mentioning a few months back that I was lucky enough to meet a few bloggers in my area. We met back in February for a super fun blogger brunch and hit it off so well that we decided to meet up again. But this time, happy hour — you can’t say no to wine and apps!
We met at Cafe J, the BEST spot in West Texas for brunch and happy hour, the weather was perfect to be out on their patio. They also have a really fun and intimate lounge area that’s perfect for date night!
Like I mentioned, we met out on the patio for wine, tapas, buffalo mac & cheese, chips & queso, and a cheese and fruit tray. Everything was delicious and we had the best time chatting away and sipping rose!
Our last meet up was just a handful of us, but this time there were a few more gals that joined in on the fun. These ladies are just the best and so much fun to be around — we had lots of laughs, tons of girl talk, and we even vented a little — but overall, we had a blast. We already have 2 events coming up later this month that we are thrilled about.
For all of my local readers, if you haven’t checked out Cafe J yet — what are you waiting for?! May is actually THE month to go — all rose wines will be 30% off the entire month & they will be having a rose patio dinner night later this month as well. So make sure you are following them on Instagram and Facebook, they also recently added new dishes to their menu!
I hope you all take some time to meet these ladies, they are not only beautiful on the outside but also on the inside.
Meet The Bloggers
left to right
Gladys of Steeltoes & Stilettos // @gladys.warden
Taylor of Baby’s Mama Blog // @babysmamablog
Ashley of Styled In Faith // @styledinfaith
Cassie of Cassie Rea // @mrscassierea
Bailey of Everyday With Bay // @bcastle11
Ashlee of Little Lovelies Blog // @ashleeknichols
Roxy of Styled In Faith // @styledinfaith
Audrey of Audrey Madison Stowe // @audreymadstowe
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Linking Up Here | Style Elixir, Meet @ The Barre, A Little Bit of Everything, A. Liz Adventures, Oh Hey, Friday, Lizzie In Lace, The Closet by Christie