This year has been a whirlwind. If you haven’t assessed yourself, maybe it’s time to do so. Here are 5 things you should quit doing, now!

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Hi there! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. My husband and I are actually on our way to the Dallas area for a little getaway. We actually have not been able to get away, just the two of us, for awhile now. So we are looking forward to a good, fun weekend! But let’s get started with today’s post.
5 Things You Should Quit Doing
This year has already been quite difficult…so much negativity, darkness and diversity. Let’s try to bring only positive vibes and energy! Here are 5 things you should quit doing, right now!
Trying To Please Everyone // I’m someone that can’t say no to anyone or anything. It’s a real problem, y’all. Especially when you begin to overextend yourself, for others, and forgetting about yourself. Another way you can be a people pleaser, is by acting like someone you are not, or agreeing with things you don’t agree with. Trying to be someone else, can be mentally exhausting. You aren’t living life for yourself.

Fearing Change // Change is a scary thing…our entire lives we fear the unknown. But we must learn how to practice not letting fear overtake our lives. If change is coming up in your life, start weeding out any negative people in your life. Your fear and negative thoughts could be holding you back from growing.
Living In The Past // There is nothing wrong with reflecting on the past, but holding on to it can become a problem. If you are living in the past, you are robbing yourself from living and enjoying the present. If you find yourself reliving past moments so often, that you are no longer enjoying your daily life…it’s time to take control and start living in the moment. Whatever is keeping you in the past, make peace with it…forgive and move on.
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Overthinking // I am the WORST when in comes to overthinking things. I’m literally the CEO of “what if’s.” It’s hard to get out of our heads at times, but this can lead to anxiety and/or emotional distress. In order to avoid overthinking, we must be able to acknowledge that we are doing it and realize that we can’t control everything. Confidence is also key, to avoid overthinking. It helps us stand firmly in the choices we make, etc.
Putting Yourself Down // Being negative to our selves, is so damaging to our self-confidence…and this opens up the opportunity for others to put us down too. We are our own worst critics. But instead of being so hard on ourselves, why not give ourselves a pat on the back every so often?! Spending time with positive people, doing things that make you happy, or reading positive quotes…help build up self-esteem and self-value.
This year has been a whirlwind. If you haven't assessed yourself, maybe it's time to do so. Here are 5 things you should quit doing, now! Click To Tweet
I hope you enjoyed today’s post and found it helpful. We can all use a little self-love, positive energy and good vibes!
How do you practice self-love?
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